A Reading of the 2030 Agenda from the Paradigm of Socioecological and Intercultural Sustainability

Application in Coastal Territories of Vulnerable Fishing Communities





Agenda 2030, vulnerable communities, Delphi, territorialization, indicators, intercultural and socioecological sustainability


The 2030 Agenda constitutes a global reference framework to promote social, economic and environmental development processes. However, its adequate territorialisation presents notorious challenges, as it is a complex and multidimensional agenda that requires localised interpretations. We present a reading of the Agenda in coastal territories of vulnerable fishing communities that can help to promote socio-ecological sustainability interculturally. In these areas, socio-cultural dynamics and environmental impacts are sidelining such communities that maintain traditional ways of life and identities of profession, as well as knowledge for the care and development of a way of life in these socio-ecological spaces. We used the Delphi Method and dialogue between fishing communities in Andalusia and the Colombian Caribbean and experts to jointly create a system of indicators that, adapting those of the 2030 Agenda, allows us to monitor the development challenges they face.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Sianes, Loyola University Andalusia

Antonio Sianes is director of the Policy Research Institute for Social Transformation at the Loyola Andalusia University, where he is a Full Professor in the area of "Political and Administration Science" in its Department of International Studies. His lines of research are linked to Development Studies, specialized both in the study of development policies in a global governance framework, and in policies aimed at social transformation.

Johana Herrera-Arango, Pontifical Xavierian University

Doctor in Inclusive and Sustainable Development. Master in Cultural Studies and Ecologist. Professor – Researcher at the Faculty of Environmental and Rural Studies of the Javeriana University. She is currently director of the Observatory of Ethnic and Peasant Territories. Experience in research on socio-ecological systems, land tenure systems, artisanal fisheries in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, as well as ecological and cultural sustainability. Her publications focus on collective territorial rights, Afro-descendants, participatory GIS and sustainability in ecosystems such as tropical dry forests, humid forests, savannahs, mangroves and coastlines. Experience in intercultural dialogues with rural communities and ethnic-territorial organizations for the management and planning of common goods.

Manuel Enrique Pérez-Martínez, Pontifical Xavierian University

Doctor in Territorial Studies from the University of Caldas, Master in Planning and Administration of Regional Development (CIDER) Universidad de Los Andes, Specialist in Rehabilitation and Urban-Rural Development from the Center for Regional Urban-Rural Studies, Rehovot, Israel and Sociologist from the National university of Colombia. Full Professor and Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Currently director of the Department of Rural and Regional Development of the Faculty of Environmental and Rural Studies. He has been interested in the study of territorial adaptation processes in urban-marginal and regional areas; emerging systems of territorial ordering, planning and development; nature-based solution perspectives in urban-rural contexts in the face of climate change, agroecological transitions and local community organization.

Laura Serrano, Loyola University Andalusia

Doctora en Desarrollo Inclusivo y Sostenible por la Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Máster Universitario Oficial en Desarrollo Económico y Sostenibilidad por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide y la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Máster propio en Cuestiones Contemporáneas de Derechos Humanos por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, doble licenciatura en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Actualmente es Profesora en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía e Investigadora en el grupo de investigación universitario Social Matter. Investiga sobre los procesos de comodificación de la ciudad, los conflictos urbanos que derivan de la privatización del espacio pública, la economía urbana y el derecho a la ciudad desde una perspectiva crítica.

Rocío Vela-Jiménez, Loyola University Andalusia

Doctor in Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Social Worker, Graduate in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Master in Human Rights, Interculturality and Development. She has developed her professional career in the field of Socio-community Intervention and International Development Cooperation. She is currently a researcher and professor at the Loyola Andalusia University, where she is part of the Department of Humanities and Philosophy and teaches at the Faculty of Communication and Arts. Her research focuses on strengthening local human development processes in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Andalusia through the territorial adaptation of policies and interventions.

Carmen Ana Castaños Gómez, External researcher

Social and Cultural Anthropologist. External Researcher of the research project ‘From coast to coast: socio-ecological challenges in the Andalusian and Caribbean coastlines in the face of the 2030 Agenda’ (CENTRA Foundation, PRY123/22). She has also collaborated with other studies on fishing communities on the Andalusian coast together with researchers from the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Seville.

Juan Antonio Senent de Frutos, Loyola University Andalusia

Full Professor of the Department of Humanities and Philosophy of the Universidad Loyola Andalucía. Coordinator-guarantor of the research line "Governance and Human Rights for the construction of inclusive and sustainable societies" in the Doctoral Program in Inclusive and Sustainable Development at Loyola University. In the field of intercultural studies and in dialogue with the challenges of sustainability, he develops a line of research on the contribution of communities that maintain traditional ways of life to socioecological sustainability, within the framework of which he is the principal investigator of the research project. “From coast to coast: socio-ecological challenges on the coasts of Andalusia and the Caribbean in the face of the 2030 Agenda” (CENTRA Foundation, PRY123/22).


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How to Cite

Sianes, A., Herrera-Arango, J., Pérez-Martínez, M. E., Serrano, L., Vela-Jiménez, R., Castaños Gómez, C. A., & Senent de Frutos, J. A. (2025). A Reading of the 2030 Agenda from the Paradigm of Socioecological and Intercultural Sustainability: Application in Coastal Territories of Vulnerable Fishing Communities. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 83–106. https://doi.org/10.54790/rccs.99

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