The Quality of Public Sector Institutions: A Critical Review of Studies on ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Institutional Weakness’

Debate: The Quality of Institutions. An Interdisciplinary Perspective




Institutions, Public sector, Government, Laws, Institutional quality, Institutional weakness


This article performs a comparative analysis of different approaches to the quality of institutions in the public sector, drawing on contributions from political science and some specialisations in the legal sciences. After reviewing the assumptions of the concept of institution in this sector, two groups of emblematic works are selected. The first group focuses on the performance of bureaucracies and the provision of public services, which is summarised under the label “quality of government”, while the second group is concerned with the achievement of objectives set out in laws and the bureaucracies that implement them, referred to as “institutional weakness vs. institutional strength”. Finally, convergences and divergences are discussed, along with the determinants of social embeddedness identified by some empirical research.


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Author Biographies

Wilfrid Martinez-Sanchez, Institute for Advanced Social Studies, CSIC, Spain

Pre-doctoral researcher (FPU, university teacher training) at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He specialises in the study of the social determinants that shape academic and scientific careers, with a particular interest in how they are modulated by multilevel relationships within knowledge institutions. His approach is based on the sociology of organisations, scientific professions and innovation studies. He participates in projects on the quality of institutions and the organisation of the scientific labour market of institutions in the knowledge sector.

Humberto Gosalbez Pequeño, University of Cordoba, Spain

Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Córdoba, with extensive experience in teaching and research in the field of administrative law. He has taught for more than thirty years in the Faculties of Law, Business Administration, Labour Sciences and Tourism, as well as on various doctoral, master’s and specialist diploma programmes and courses. The research, supported by three six-year periods of research, focuses on the theory and legal practice of administrative law. The resulting scientific production has been reflected in seven collective works and more than thirty articles in scientific journals. This is in addition to his extensive production of books, monographs, university textbooks and annotated administrative legislation.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Sánchez, W., & Gosálbez Pequeño , H. (2023). The Quality of Public Sector Institutions: A Critical Review of Studies on ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Institutional Weakness’: Debate: The Quality of Institutions. An Interdisciplinary Perspective. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 167–186.