Ideological polarization in Spain

Debate: The Political Polarization. A Multidimensional Approach




polarization, ideology, public policy


Ideological polarization measures the distances between the political identifications and opinions of different groups of citizens. Spain today shows patterns of ideological polarization similar to other European countries. This type of polarization has increased steadily since the beginning of the century and two clear ideological blocs have been configured that differ in the positioning of their potential voters on most of the issues that make up the political debate. From a longitudinal perspective, polarization on economic issues seems to have increased much more than polarization on moral issues. The latter may even have decreased in the last two decades. We could conclude that, if the main differences are established on the economic axis, the possibility of reaching agreements should be closer than if differences on moral issues are exacerbated. 


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Author Biography

Luis Miguel Miller Moya, Institute of Public Goods and Policies

PhD in Sociology and scientific researcher at the Institute of Public Policies and Public Goods of the Spanish National Research Council. He has been Associate Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country, researcher at the Max Planck Society and assistant director of the Centre for Experimental Social Sciences at the University of Oxford. He is the author of the books Polarizados. La política que nos divide (Ediciones Deusto) and Experimental Sociology. Outline of a Scientific Field (Cambridge University Press). He regularly publishes on political polarisation and experimental methods in disciplines such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology and philosophy.


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How to Cite

Miller-Moya, L. M. (2025). Ideological polarization in Spain: Debate: The Political Polarization. A Multidimensional Approach. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 155–172.