Evaluation of a Positive Psychology Program for the Promotion of Well-Being and Emotional Health in Rural Elderly People
emotional well-being, healthy aging, elderly people, intervention program, Positive psychology, perceived healthAbstract
Population aging is one of the challenges of modern societies. In particular, older people living in rural areas may face additional barriers to access mental health resources and services, which increases the risk of social isolation, depression, and other emotional health problems. The aim of the study is to evaluate an intervention for the improvement of well-being and emotional health in older people. A quasi-experimental investigation was conducted with pre-intervention and post-intervention measures. The sample consists of 24 people aged 65 to 85 years. The program consisted of a total of six sessions. The efficacy of the intervention program was evaluated. The results indicate that the experimental group significantly increased their scores with respect to baseline, and in relation to the control group. It could be suggested that the intervention program based on positive psychology promotes an increase in emotional well-being, which favors healthy aging.
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