Teacher Training and Discriminatory Bullying. Analysis of a reality





bullying, special educational needs, teacher training, discrimination


Discriminatory bullying in students with special educational needs (SEN) poses a societal challenge impacting not only school coexistence but also the lives of those affected and their surroundings. Research on bullying in initial teacher training reveals a limited level of knowledge among university students. Consequently, this study aims to scrutinise the extent of training related to the conceptualisation, organisation, legislation, detection, prevention and intervention of bullying in students with SEN. Simultaneously, the research assesses the importance that prospective teachers attribute to these aspects. A quantitative study is designed to examine the training of students pursuing degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education in Andalusia. Data is collected through a questionnaire and analysed using SPSS-V26.0. The findings indicate that the level of initial training is modest across all evaluated dimensions, excluding conceptualisation. The detection of bullying in students with SEN is a lesser-known aspect among the respondents.


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Author Biographies

Sara Carrillo Tejero, University of Cordoba, Spain

Teacher in Therapeutic Pedagogy of the Junta de Andalucía. Awarded by the Spanish Society of Academic Excellence as one of the best in the country, in the Degree in Primary Education with mention in Special Educational Needs. Master in Inclusive Education and winner of the Extraordinary End of Master's Degree Award at the University of Cordoba. Author and co-author of studies published in prestigious publishers and conferences.

Milagrosa Bascón Jiménez, University of Cordoba, Spain

Lecturer at the University of Cordoba. Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology Area. Author and co-author of various works published in publishers and journals of recognised impact. Belonging to several research groups including the R+D+i R+D Project "Rational emotion through face-to-face sociability networks and digital ecosystems" (PID2020-115673RB-I00). Consultant and technical assistant for the promotion, transfer and internalisation of the research line "New lifestyles after COVID-19" of the Andalusian Studies Centre Foundation. She has been awarded Teaching Excellence by the University of Cordoba.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Tejero, S., & Bascón Jiménez, M. (2023). Teacher Training and Discriminatory Bullying. Analysis of a reality. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 47–70. https://doi.org/10.54790/rccs.39