The Andragogy: Combating Ageism (the 20th/21st-Century Generation as a Reference Model)




age discrimination, andradogy, ageism, 20th/21st century generation


Despite the fact that we are in the 21st century, we still maintain the degrading stereotypes about the age of human beings that have given rise to the neologism “ageism”. In the face of this, there is a need for a change of paradigm, based on institutions and legal norms, in order to be able to vindicate the rights of and respect for the elderly. In this sense, training projects are necessary, both in the new generations and in the adult generations, in order to vindicate experience and age. To this end, an andragogic effort is needed to visualise the importance of the years, and we even thought it would be suggestive to speak of the 20th/21st Century Generation, with the aim of uniting those people who have managed to live the bridge between these two centuries.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Faramiñán, University of Jaen

Professor (emeritus professor) of International Public Law and International Relations at the University of Jaén, Jean Monnet Chair in Institutions and Law of the European Union (1997-2017), Director of the Globalisation Observatory of the University of Jaén, International Director emeritus of the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Universities working on technology, politics and law of outer space (ReLaCa-Espacio), honorary professor at the International University of Andalusia (UNIA). Member and Secretary of the Court of Arbitration (International Law Section) of the Jaén Bar Association. Member of the Instituto de Estudios Giennenses. International Arbitrator in Outer Space matters at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague (The Netherlands). Director of the Revista de Estudios Jurídicos de la Universidad de Jaén (Segunda Época). Associate Senior Researcher at the Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos de España. Member of the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome.


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How to Cite

de Faramiñán Gilbert, J. M. (2022). The Andragogy: Combating Ageism (the 20th/21st-Century Generation as a Reference Model). CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 79–96.


