3D Printing in Education. Theoretical Perspective and Classroom Experiences





3D printing, ICT, higher education, new methodologies, makerspaces


3D printing in universities uses printers that enable the three-dimensional printing of objects. A teaching methodology based on the printing of models is implemented that can be taught interactively and progressively to a wide range of students, from primary and secondary education and vocational training through to undergraduate and postgraduate studies, particularly in the STEM fields of education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
The resources used in 3D printing can be integrated in different fields of science as part of a teaching approach based on interdisciplinarity and the application of scientific and mathematical knowledge.
This study aims to disclose the role of 3D printing in education, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as illustrate various educational experiences on different levels, providing a reference framework that sets out the current situation in terms of its use.
Educational experiences using 3D printing obtain meaningful learning thanks to manipulative experimentation, the fostering of motivation to learn, and improved educational results. Students learn while they experiment and have fun, creating a desire to continue acquiring knowledge that is relevant on both a professional and personal level.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos De la Cruz Campos, University of Granada

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Granada. Doctor Cum Laude in Education from the University of Granada, Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Diploma in Teaching specialising in Physical Education from the University of Granada, Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sport and Master's Degree in Educational Innovation and Knowledge Management, both from the University of Malaga. Expert in Personal Training from the University of Granada and Senior Sports Technician Level III in Football. Member of the AREA Research Group (HUM-672) since February 2020. He has experience as a teacher in Compulsory Secondary Education and as a member of the Management Team of a school. She currently teaches full time in official degrees at the University of Granada, Double Degree in Teaching and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Social Education and Master's Degree in Teaching at the Campus of Melilla.

Maria Natalia Campos, University of Granada

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Granada. PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Granada. Master's Degree in Psychopedagogical Intervention from the University of Granada and Master's Degree in Educational Innovation and Knowledge Management from the University of Malaga. Extraordinary end-of-degree award. Her experience as a teacher and researcher began as a FPU scholarship holder within the UGR's own plan, becoming a FPU scholarship holder of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Her main lines of research are focused on innovation and educational inclusion through ICT, active methodologies in education and ADHD. She is currently teaching and research staff at the University of Granada (AREA HUM-672 research group).

Carmen Rodríguez, University of Granada

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Granada. Graduate in Primary Education (English), Master in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training from the University of Granada and Master in Educational Innovation and Knowledge Management from the University of Malaga. She has received a grant to initiate research and collaboration in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Granada. She is a member of the AREA Research Group (HUM-672).

Magdalena Ramos, University of Granada

Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Granada. Diploma in Optics and Optometry from the University of Granada (1995-1998). Graduate in Primary Education from the University of Granada (2013- 2017). Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training from the University of Granada, specialising in Didactics and School Organisation (2018-2019). Master's Degree in Educational Innovation and Knowledge Management from the University of Malaga (2019-2020). She currently belongs to the LEADER Research Group (Leadership, Development & Educational Research) (SEJ-604), since July 2019. Her line of research focuses on educational innovation through ICT and active methodologies and inclusion in education through the promotion of reading.


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How to Cite

De la Cruz Campos, J. C., Campos Soto, M. N., Rodríguez Jiménez, C., & Ramos Navas-Parejo, M. (2022). 3D Printing in Education. Theoretical Perspective and Classroom Experiences. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.54790/rccs.16


