Code of ethics and plagiarism detection

Authors are obliged to follow and respect in the original text the ethical principles of research and scientific publication, avoiding dishonest practices such as fraud involving falsification or invention of data, repeated publication, plagiarism in its different modes and variants or co-authorship conflicts. During the evaluation process, the text may not be submitted to another journal or publisher. In any of these situations, authors are liable for the consequences of all kinds arising from such unseemly behaviour. Authors must therefore comply with the following principles:

- The originals submitted must be unpublished texts, not having been previously published, nor have they been sent to other journals for submission. Authors may not use texts that have already been published by themselves.
- As for the publication of texts, figures, photos or tables from other publications, the authors must have the prior consent of their respective sources. They themselves will be responsible for any conflict arising from their publication and will be responsible for obtaining such permissions, as well as the obligation to reference the source consulted.
- Authors must respect the rules of the journal and will not engage in inappropriate scientific practices such as falsification or manipulation of data. Authors must carry out their work in an honest manner, without altering data.
- The works in which people participate as research subjects must have the informed consent of all of them, in which they will be previously informed of the objectives of the research and the dissemination of the results, ensuring the confidentiality of personal data.
- The texts submitted will be checked using iThenticate plagiarism detection software.