The Impact of ICRTs on Cohabitation in Andalusian Families

Challenges and Opportunities




families, adolescents, conflicts, digital mediation, ubiquity, reconnection, ICRTs


The use of ICRTs (Information, Communication and Relationship Technologies) is one of the elements causing the most significant intergenerational conflict within family relationships, posing a huge challenge for cohabitation. Through qualitative methodology, we analyze the different perceptions and uses that the Andalusian adolescent population have in their digital socialization and practices and we compare it to the habits and ideas held by their parents. By identifying common points and differential logics related to the advantages and opportunities of the digital ecosystem, as well as various risks and challenges, the aim of the analysis is to define agreed strategies to achieve safe and high-quality digital mediation in the homes.


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Author Biographies

Anna Sanmartín Ortí , Centro Reina Sofía de Fad Juventud

Director of the Reina Sofía Centre for Youth, PhD in Sociology from the UCM and member of the Network of Studies on Youth and Society (REJS). She has specialised in the analysis of youth socialisation, with publications that study gender roles, political participation, leisure and consumption or the impact of technologies.

Stribor Kuric Kardelis, Centro Reina Sofía de Fad Juventud

PhD in Sociology and Anthropology (2019) from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been working as a social research technician at the Reina Sofía Center of Fad Juventud since 2020 and as a contracted professor at the CES Cardenal Cisneros (UCM) since 2021. His main lines of research are the sociology of work with a gender perspective and the sociology of youth.

Christian Orgaz, Indaga, Cooperative for Sociological Research, Training and Intervention

PhD in Sociology and Anthropology (2018) from the Complutense University of Madrid. Co-founding member of Indaga (2011) and coordinator of projects and research. Collaborating professor at the UCM and the UNED. Specialized in migration, methodology, society studies, technology and professions. Co-founder of the Archive of Critical Sociology (

Manuel Blanco Campos, Indaga, Cooperative for Sociological Research, Training and Intervention

Graduated in Sociology from the Carlos III University (2014). Postgraduate Training for Specialists in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (2020); Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Work and Employment (2021). Works as an Indaga technician (2021) and cooperative member (from 2023). Research lines: new forms of work (NFT), research methodologies and organizational analysis.


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How to Cite

Sanmartín Ortí, A. ., Kuric Kardelis, S., Orgaz, C., & Blanco Campos, M. (2025). The Impact of ICRTs on Cohabitation in Andalusian Families: Challenges and Opportunities. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 59–81.




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