School Bullying and Social Skills: An Empirical Research Study in Axarquía, Malaga in 2021




bullying, interpersonal skills, onlooker, victim, bully


This study aims to analyse the relationship between school bullying and social skills by means of a survey of 506 pupils at several secondary schools located in the region of Axarquía (Malaga, Spain). First, we examined the role of onlookers in a bullying scene. Likewise, we studied the potential victims, bullies, types and frequencies of this phenomenon. Second, we investigated how the likelihood of being an onlooker, victim or bully varies across the level of fourteen social skills. The conclusion was that the higher the level of social skills, the lower the likelihood of being a victim or a bully. Furthermore, onlookers were found to have a higher level of social skills than the victims and bullies, although bullies scored higher on a very significant social skill: manipulation.


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Author Biography

Elena Bazaga Campos, Universidad de Málaga

Elena Bazaga has a degree in Criminology and a Master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Policy from the University of Malaga. She has obtained the prize for Criminology students from the Spanish Society for Criminological Research and the Extraordinary Prize for the End of the Degree in Criminology from the University of Malaga. Her topics of interest include bullying, social skills, juvenile delinquency and criminal careers.


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How to Cite

Bazaga Campos, E. (2022). School Bullying and Social Skills: An Empirical Research Study in Axarquía, Malaga in 2021. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 31–52.


