Psychopathy and Narcissistic Abuse: the Consequences of an Unknown Type of Intimate Partner Violence




This article addresses the issue of narcissistic abuse within couple relationships in which one of the partners is an integrated psychopath. Specifically, we seek to explain what it consists of and what the characteristics of such abuse are, in order to describe the consequences its consequences. First we explain what is psychopathy and then we explain in detail the specific characteristics of narcissistic abuse as well as its phases (love bombing, devaluation, rejection and hoovering). We achieve our objective through the analysis of the interviews we had with twenty women who declared having been in a couple relationship with an integrated psychopath. The methodological instrument to carry out the data analysis we have used is the Grounded Theory. Some of the conclusions obtained have to do with the establishment of a hitherto unknown pattern of violence and abuse linked to psychopathy and narcissism. 


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Author Biographies

Alexandra, Universidad de Almería

Alexandra Ainz Galende earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country and a PhD cum laude from the University of Almería. She is currently a permanent lecturer in the University of Almería’s Department of Sociology. Her research focuses on fundamentalisms, fundamentalist terrorism, radicalisation processes, social movements, Islamic feminisms, migrations and Islamophobia. She has authored several publications, including Terrorismos fundamentalistas: medievo armado a través de la web 2.0 (Centre for Sociological Research) and The Demands of Niqabi Women in the Telegram Subaltern Corner Orgullo Niqabi. Currently, she serves as the principal investigator for the R&D project “Muslims, Youth and Radicals: From ICT to Mosques”, funded by FEDER funds.

Rubén Rodríguez Puertas, Universidad de Almería

Rubén Rodríguez Puertas holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Granada and a PhD in Migration Studies from the Universities of Granada, Jaén and Pablo de Olavide in Seville. Currently, he serves as a permanent labor professor in the University of Almería’s Department of Sociology. His research interests span migration movements, youth, the labour market and social research methods and techniques. He is the author of books and chapters including Nostálgicos, Conversos y Cosmopolitas. Perfiles de la nueva emigración española (EDUAL, 2019) and El devenir del capitalismo y su manifestación en la sociedad. De la clase obrera al nuevo precariado (Tirant lo Blanch, 2020). His work has been published in journals such as EMPIRIA. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, RIEM. Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios, Social Inclusion and Social Sciences.


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How to Cite

Alexandra, & Rodríguez Puertas, R. (2024). Psychopathy and Narcissistic Abuse: the Consequences of an Unknown Type of Intimate Partner Violence. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 3(2), 53–72.