Students as Rational Actors in Multiple-choice Tests and How to Mark their Mistakes




closed-ended question, exam, grading, penalty, rational action, student, test


Sociologists teaching at universities have seen how multiple-choice tests with closed-ended questions have become the norm in the discipline. If wrong answers are not penalised, these tests become a context that favours the emergence of rational actors in the form of the student-player. Such students minimise their effort by taking advantage of the probability of answering correctly out of luck. By applying the definition of a Bernoulli random variable, this methodological note presents the score that must be awarded to incorrect answers in exams, regardless of the number of questions and response options. Deviating from this score means one of two things: favouring the emergence of the student-player, or overly penalising the risks taken by students when sitting exams.


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Author Biography

Daniel Guinea Martín, University of Malaga

Professor of Sociology at the University of Malaga where he teaches methods, sociology of education and tourism. He holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, a Master's degree from the London School of Economics, a diploma from the University of California in San Diego, as well as a degree in sociology and a degree in statistics from the Complutense University of Madrid. He specialises in social research methods, inequality and segregation. He has published in journals such as American Sociological Review, Social Science Research and Ethnography, among others.


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How to Cite

Guinea Martín, D. (2023). Students as Rational Actors in Multiple-choice Tests and How to Mark their Mistakes. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 97–114.