Acceleration in Digitalisation: Social Networks, Civic Involvement and Electoral Processes in the United States and Latin America during the COVID-19 Pandemic
social networks, digital media, USA, Democracy, Governments, Covid-19, Pandemic, Social transformations, Latin AmericaAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an acceleration in digitisation in practically all aspects of social life. Most notably, during the early stages of the health crisis, digital media became almost the only channel through which people could express themselves, in light of the social distancing measures that were decreed in most countries. In this article we analyse how this historical moment impacted civic participation among US and Latin American citizens, especially during the elections that were held in these countries. The article adopts a qualitative approach based on an analysis of information from the main academic studies and media coverage of the selected case studies. The experience of the 2020 US electoral process, the midterm elections in Mexico in 2021 and the presidential elections in Chile and Colombia are all considered. In all cases, the campaigns resorted to digital strategies in order to gain support. The study concludes that we find ourselves at an undeniable watershed moment, although its implications are not yet fully known, largely because it is not clear whether the use of new technologies really contributes to the strengthening of democratic values.
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