Caring for People at Risk of Suicide in the Andalusian Health Service: A Qualitative Study of the Institutionalisation Process
health service, medical records, referral and consultation, family caregivers, patient care, suicide attemptedAbstract
Suicide continues to be the main external cause of death in Spain. Andalusia is the region with the highest number of suicides in the country. It is important to address its prevention. Here we describe how people who have attempted suicide access and are treated by the Andalusian Health Service. A qualitative study was conducted exploring public health care and its assessment. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with health professionals, patients, family members and relatives. This search was complemented with ethnographic information, all of which was explored following a combined strategy of analysis in line with the grounded theory assumptions. The results reveal setbacks in access to the health system, and stigmatised representations among professionals. At the same time, limitations due to lack of training and uncertainties in risk management were identified. Finally, strong difficulties were found among family members and patients, as they face stigmatisation and taboos that lead to profound vulnerability, especially in areas with fewer resources. All of this hinders early detection and reduces the capacity for prevention.
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