Tobío Soler, C., Alcañiz Moscardó, M. and Martín Palomo, M. T. La mirada de género en Sociología, Madrid: Síntesis, 2021




gender, manuals, Sociology


This is a publication that, with a new approach, raises issues that have traditionally occupied and concerned Sociology, but it does so taking the gender perspective as a transversal axis. This work is divided into three parts, namely, it begins by analysing gender and social spheres (1), of a more general and introductory nature, to focus in the second part on gender issues (2), where the consequences of a system of structural male domination that has already been advanced in the six chapters that make up the first part become evident. The last part focuses on social references in the construction of gender (3), taking into consideration the importance of girls and adolescents having people who share their experiences of gender in different areas such as sociology, thus recovering the female sociologists who contributed to the development of the discipline.


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Author Biography

Raquel Latorre, Universidad de Almería

Graduate in Sociology from the University of Granada. She has a Master's degree in "Social Problems. Direction and Management of Social Programmes" from the same university and a Masters in "Sexological Sciences" from the University of Almeria, where she is currently working. She has participated in several national and international conferences and has received training in gender, care, comprehensive sexuality education, disability and diversity. Her current thesis deals with sexuality and care in women with disabilities, paying attention to how gender interacts with non-normative bodies and hegemonic capacitative sexual practices.



How to Cite

Latorre, R. (2023). Tobío Soler, C., Alcañiz Moscardó, M. and Martín Palomo, M. T. La mirada de género en Sociología, Madrid: Síntesis, 2021. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 189–192.