Editorial: The Political Polarization: Definition, Dimensions, Measuring, Results and Effects

Debate: The Political Polarization. A Multidimensional Approach





polarization, ideology, public policies, national identity, postmaterialism, GAL/TAN


This article provides an introduction to the state of the question of political polarisation. It is part of the Debate section of the CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, devoted to contrasting the different approaches to its definition, its dimensions, its measurement and the empirical evidence on its impact and evolution in Spain, from a comparative perspective. Political polarisation, whatever its variant (ideological, affective, everyday, etc.) or inspiration and dialectical battlefield (ideological, identity-based, value-based, etc.), is the confrontation between elites and/or citizens aligned in irreconcilable blocs. It begins with a conceptual delimitation and the evidence of its socio-political relevance, distinguishing its presence among elites and citizens in order to highlight its emotional component, as well as its possible causes and effects. Its multidimensional nature and measurement give way, precisely, to the three articles referring, respectively, to the measurement and evaluation of ideological polarisation, identity polarisation and the so-called GAL/TAN.


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Author Biography

Francisco José Llera Ramo, University of the Basque Country

Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of the Basque Country. Founder of the EUSKOBAROMETRO. Visiting Scholar at Yale University (1987) and Prince of Asturias Professor at Georgetown (2002). His publications include: La década del cambio en Andalucía (2023), Las elecciones autonómicas (2017-2019) (2022), Las elecciones generales de 2015 y 2016 (2018), Desafección política y regeneración democrática en la España actual (2016), Las elecciones autonómicas en el País Vasco, 1980-2012 (2016), Política comparada. Entre lo local y lo global (2005), Los españoles y las víctimas del terrorismo (2005), Los españoles y la universidad (2004), Los vascos y la política (1994), Postfranquismo y fuerzas políticas en Euskadi. Sociología electoral del País Vasco (1985).


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How to Cite

Llera Ramo, F. J. (2025). Editorial: The Political Polarization: Definition, Dimensions, Measuring, Results and Effects: Debate: The Political Polarization. A Multidimensional Approach. CENTRA Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 141–154. https://doi.org/10.54790/rccs.109